Sunday, 23 January 2011

say my name sunday

I always find myself asking people what their blog names mean, and i always find the answers super interesting, it's awesome how people's minds work. So i thought it'd be an interesting post, to ask people to e-mail me about what their blog name means and where it came from.

Here are my findings muchachas;

I love this woman, her name is sarah, and she blogs over at burn the blonde (obv). Here's the story in her own words about where her blog name was born and what it means:-

"I had wanted to start a blog for a long time but I was always to busy at uni/travelling to get round to it. But when I got home from New York I needed something to occupy my time and so my blog was born! I'm quite an impatient person so I knew the day I decided that I was going to start my blog had to be the day that it was named. designed, launched and up and running! I didn't want to have the words 'fashion' or 'style' in the title, because my blog is a reflection of me, not just what I wear. There were a couple of names I wanted but that were already taken in one way or another but then I came up with Burn the Blonde! As a lover of alliteration it was perfect and pretty original I thought! It also has a silly little meaning, made up after the name was created: burn can mean to slate something (ooh burn!) but it can also mean that you like it and want to copy it (like to burn a c.d! Told you it was silly) and I thought that was pretty fitting for a blog! You'll either like it or you don't!"

I'm so jealous of this thrifters bargainous encounters in charity shops, she has the total '50s look' going on, and she looks a million dollars and here's how she came up with Lady liquor vintage:-

"The name for my blog really just came from the name of my little vintage business I'm setting up, as the blog was really set up to show new items up for sale, tell everyone about fairs & shops news, and just kinda went on into more things from there :) 'Lace & Liquor Vintage' is quite a strange name, which pretty much makes no sense at all! I originally wanted to call it 'Lace & Leather Vintage', as two of the things I sometimes sell are lace & leather items! But then when I found out lace & leather was a Britney Spears song, (ugh!) I thought it had to be changed sharpish!"

Alison is a very sweet girl and Daisychains and Heartbeats is a perfect example of the "where did you come up with your blog name" blog names! Here's what she told me:-

"The name 'Daisychains and Heartbeats' is basically the brain child of my failing imagination.  It is pretty much there because I couldn't think of anything else! I knew that I wanted my blog name to be something that entices images of whimsical days and dainty thoughts - something a bit cute.  I have no idea why, I mean, it's not like my blog actually reflects that, but that is what I decided so that is where my train of thought travelled.  Saying that though, I'm pretty sure I wanted it to have some sort of daisy theme because I love daisies and I wanted my banner to have some sort of daisy-like images in it (although that never actually happened....) and I guess 'heartbeats' just kinda slotted in.  I would quite like to change it to a short singular word - something a bit more abrupt - but I'm not good at this whole 'coming up with a name' thing, so for now it will just have to be stuck on that."

Kittenish Behaviour, created by Purdey (Sian) is definitely a highly recommended blog by me, she's another chickie i'm declaring my love for, and one of the most intriguing blog name stories:-

"Kittenish Behaviour comes from my nickname Kitten which Tatty kind of gave me and I kind of adopted about fourteen years ago. Tatty and I had only just met and were going out with a large group of friends for drinks around Ipswich, we all went back to someone's flat to carry on chatting and drinking but I was so tired I curled up in Tatty's lap and fell asleep! Tatty being the artist that she is drew this picture of me...
....I'd been called Kitten by a few people before and I think Tatty decided this night that it was an apt nickname for me. I've been Kitten Breeches ever since. As this blog is about my slightly crazy life "Kittenish Behaviour" seemed an ideal title."

Ash is a splendid little beauty from Oz who i wish i got to see when she visited recently, she has a blog called photo booth killer, and she explained why it came to be called that by the following:-

"The name of my blog comes from a poem by Jim Morrison (lead singer of The Doors), from his book "The Lords and the New Creatures". I won't put the whole piece here, because it's long, but the excerpt goes-

Photo-booth killer
Fragile Bandit
Straight from ambush

I love Jim, even enough to have another of his poems tattooed on me. The name of the blog, therefore, is not at all fashion related :)"

There you have it folks, if you want to be featured in next weeks, just e-mail me ( with 50-ish words explaining where you came up with the name for your blog and what it means. I'll try to feature everyone who contacts me, but i'll have to have some sort of filtering system, and try to use the most interesting ones!

P & L 


  1. :) It's so interesting to see where people get their inspiration from! I've never really thought about why blogs are named what they are, this is such an excellent idea for a post.

    I wish I got to meet you too :( When I move over, for sure!

  2. Where is Tina-Blog's name?!

    Great feature, SAY MY NAME BIATCH!! X
    Burn the Blonde

  3. Such a good idea for a post! Sarah I loveee that meaning! Oooh burn!! Haha xxxx

  4. I love this post! Yet again you have me LOLing for real (you too Sarah), can't wait for next weeks installment xxx

    (Yey for Voodle being back with us) xx
    Kittenish Behaviour Blog

  5. lovely post. its great to hear about the people behind the blogs!.. i also found a few new ones thanks to this post.

    love jennifer, x

  6. This is great! It's cool knowing the stories behind blog names because I guess we've all had to make that decision at some point! :)
    Rhii xxx

  7. what an interesting post! :)

  8. Like this lots! I wish I'd had a eureka moment when thinking up mine. Stuck with it now!

    Penny x

  9. This is a really fun post to read and I must say I am also interested in telling you where my name came from too :) I may just send you a little email <3

  10. Aw thank you chicken. I wish I had a more interesting paragraph for you haha. Love this feature!


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